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Rich Brewer

Richard Brewer is a true entrepreneur who gets things done by thinking outside the box to come up with creative solutions to achieve his goals. He has been an active real estate investor since 2001 with great success in fixing and flipping properties and managing rentals. However, as good candidates for a flip or rental became more and more difficult to find at a reasonable price, he changed his focus to non-performing note investments as a different route into obtaining properties.

To fast track his way into the business, he joined Scott Carson’s Mastermind group to enjoy a unique combination of education, increased access to product sources and the chance to brainstorm with other talented note investors to apply new information and ideas to his existing skills.

In 2009, Richard left Corporate America for good, starting his own security/fire alarm installation company. They fill a labor shortage for lager companies when their work load exceeds their capacity.

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